
Almond Croissant Toast

A breakfast game changer for Almond Croissant lovers! Did you know you can make toast that tastes just like an Almond Croissant in just 10 minutes in an air fryer! This quick almond paste is easy to make and can transform your morning sourdough in minutes!

Almond Croissant Toast

Which bread makes the best Almond Croissant Toast?

I am a huge sourdough fan and I love the crunch so whilst it's a personal preference, I love to use that. Brioche is great if you want to replicate the soft, buttery texture of a croissant - which is obviously a great option for Almond Croissant Toast. But honestly, this recipe works well with any bread you have to hand, and is also great for stale bread that is possibly past it's best and needs using up.

a breakfast table with fresh coffee and almond croissant sourdough toast made in the air fryer
The perfect recipe for a slow Sunday! Best eaten fresh - with a good cup of coffee!

What do I need to make Almond Croissant Toast?

To make Almond Croissant Toast you only need a few simple ingredients and you will probably find you have most, if not all, already in your cupboards.

  • Almond flour / ground almonds - is easily found in most supermarkets, usually down by the flour, nuts and dried fruit aisle.
  • Almond extract - is also easy to find with the baking items. I love the Nielsen Massey brand.
  • Bread - This one is easy as you can use whichever bread you like. I used the Gails San Francisco Style Sourdough as it is my favourite and we always have it in the house. My kids love making it with brioche bread as it has the same buttery soft texture as a croissant.
  • Eggs - I used the St Ewes medium eggs as I love the golden yolk
  • Sugar - whilst I have used Billington's Golden Caster sugar you can absolutely use regular white caster sugar. I just love anything that helps the paste achieve that golden glow!
  • Butter - salted or unsalted works well, if using salted just skip the added salt part.
All the ingredients you need to make your own almond croissant toast. Including Gails sourdough, almond extract and flaked almonds. Recipe ingredient flat lay.
Get all your ingredients prepped and ready as this will help keep things organised when cooking.

Can I make Almond Croissant Toast in the oven instead of the Air Fryer?

Absolutely! I have made this in the oven at 180ºc in around 10-15 minutes. As oven temperatures vary just keep an eye on it and it's done when it turns a nice golden brown.

almond paste toast topper on an air fryer almond croissant toast. Russell Hobbs air fryer basket
I have used my Russell Hobbs Air Fryer for this one.

Can you make these ahead of time?

I would recommend eating them fresh from the oven. If you make them ahead of time and warm through in the oven again I find this dried them out a bit - they will still taste great though!

A slice of Almond Croissant Toast cut in half topped with flaked almonds and icing sugar
The perfect slice of Almond Croissant Toast!