Recipe details
- 100g plain flour
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 70g melted butter, cooled
- 2 eggs
- 100g granulated sugar
- 1/2 tsp orange extract (or any flavour of your choice)
To top:
- Caramel sauce
- A little toasted coconut
- Some mini chocolate eggs
- Brush your Canelé moulds with butter and put to one side.
- In a medium bowl, beat the eggs and sugar for 2-3 minutes until light and fluffy.
- Fold in the baking powder, flour and salt then slowly add the orange extract and melted butter. Fold into the mixture in a figure of eight until it’s thick and glossy. Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.
- Pre heat your oven to 190ºc and place your Canelé moulds on a baking tray. Distribute your chilled batter evenly between six moulds (and 2/3 full) and bake for 10 minutes. Leave to cool for 5 minutes then turn out onto a cooling rack.
- Once they have cooled, pipe the caramel into the dimples on the tops, sprinkle over a little toasted coconut and top with mini eggs. Enjoy!
What are Canelé moulds?
Canelé moulds, also known as cannelé moulds or cannelure moulds, are specialised moulds used for baking a French pastry called canelés (or cannelés). Canelés are small, cylindrical pastries with a soft and custardy interior and a caramelised crust. The distinctive ridges on the exterior of canelés are created by the shape of the moulds.
Canelé moulds are typically made of copper or silicone and have a fluted or ribbed design. The copper moulds are preferred by some bakers because they conduct heat efficiently and help to create a crisp, caramelised crust on the pastry. However, silicone moulds are also popular due to their non-stick properties and ease of use.

What else can you make in Canelé moulds?
While canelé molds are specifically designed for making canelés, you can also use them to create other baked goods or desserts. Here are some ideas:
- Miniature Cakes: Use canelé molds to bake small individual cakes or cupcakes. The ridged design adds a decorative touch to the cakes, and they can be served as elegant single servings for special occasions.
- Flan or Custard: Canelé moulds can be used to make individual servings of flan or custard. The ridges on the exterior of the molds add a decorative element to the desserts, and they can be unmoulded and served with caramel sauce for an elegant dessert.
- Panna Cotta: Make individual servings of panna cotta in canelé molds for a sophisticated dessert. The ridged design adds visual interest to the creamy panna cotta, and they can be unmolded and served with fresh fruit or a berry compote.
- Frozen Treats: Use canelé molds to make frozen desserts such as mini ice cream cakes. Simply fill the molds with layers of ice cream, sorbet, or frozen yogurt, and insert sticks for easy serving.
- Chocolate Desserts: Canelé molds can be used to create chocolate desserts such as chocolate mousse or chocolate fondant. The ridged design adds a decorative touch to the desserts, and they can be unmoulded and served with whipped cream or fresh berries.
While canelé molds are primarily designed for making canelés, they can be a versatile tool in the kitchen for creating a variety of sweet and savoury treats. Experiment with different recipes and fillings to see what delicious creations you can come up with!